My friend Rebecca came over for dinner and she is eating no carbs right now. So we enjoyed this flavor packed ragout.  Ground turkey crammed with spices, stewed with celery, mushrooms, and cabbage may surprise your pallet. Your no carb meal is ready in about 30. We enjoyed this with some parmesan crisps.

Ragout: a highly seasoned dish of meat cut into small pieces and stewed with vegetables.

Rebecca’s Ragout

2T avocado oil

1 1/2t chile powder

1t  cumin

1t oregano

1/2t fennel

1/2t cinnamon

1 shallot

3 cloves garlic

1t salt

1t pepper

1lb. ground turkey

3 stalks celery

4oz mushrooms

2c vegetable broth

3T tomato paste

1 bay leaf

3c cabbage

1T apple cider vinegar

Heat a large skillet on medium high heat, when the pan is hot add 2T avocado oil. When the oil is hot add 1 1/2t chile powder, 1t cumin, 1t oregano, 1/2t fennel, 1/2t cinnamon and saute for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Add 1 shallot, diced, and 3 cloves garlic, minced, frying for 2-3 minutes.

In same skillet, add 1 lb. ground turkey browning meat 5-8 minutes, breaking meat into chunks.

Add 3 stalks celery, diced and 4oz mushrooms (1/2 a small tin) sliced, sautéing for 2-3 minutes more.

In a small bowl dissolve 3T tomato paste into 2c vegetable broth, add to skillet. Then add 1 bay leaf bringing the broth to a boil.

Add 3c cabbage cut into about 1” pieces, and lower heat to a simmer, covered, for 13-15 minutes undisturbed.

Mix the ragout well, then add 1T apple cider vinegar.

Sorry I did not grab a picture for you of our original meal, we enjoyed this with a simple parmesan crisp (see below). However, pictured here with sweet potato cakes and a salad.

Parmessan Crisp

1/2c parmesan

Heat oven to 400. Line cookie sheet with parchment paper. Drop by tablespoon, spread out a little with your fingers. Bake for 3-4 minutes. Really, that’s it.